<h2>Status Codes</h2><ul><li><b>200-299:</b> Indicates a successfull response.</li><li><b>400-599:</b> Indicates an error response, the response type is com.mpobjects.core.api.ApiError.</li></ul><h2>Formatting</h2><ul><li><b>Request bodies:</b> processing is controlled by the Content-Type header (mostly: application/xml and application/json).</li><li><b>Response bodies:</b> processing is controlled by the Accept header (mostly: application/xml and application/json), alternatively appending .xml and json also controls the output.</li><li><b>Encoding:</b>All request and response bodies are UTF-8 encoded.</li><li><b>Dates:</b> are formatted using ISO_8601.</li></ul><h2>Custom properties</h2><ul><li><b>x-mpo-privilege: </b>This properties describes the privilege required to execute this request. The user needs to have a role with this privilege.</li><li><b>x-mpo-request-type: </b>The type which needs to be send in the body for this request. The JSON type schema can be fetched via: [/api/core/v1/system/openapi/type?type=type](/api/core/v1/system/openapi/type?type=type)</li><li><b>x-mpo-response-type: </b>The type which can be retunred in the body for the response. The JSON type schema can be fetched via: [/api/core/v1/system/openapi/type?type=type](/api/core/v1/system/openapi/type?type=type)</li><li><b>x-mpo-paging-required: </b>Indicates if the API returns a paged response, if so the result set is limited to the 'page-size' parameter (default if not set is 20). The page-size may not exceed 100. The 'page' parameter requests a specific page. The result will contain a RFC 5988 compliant LINK header with the previous and next page link.</li></ul>
Cloud Functions
Manages lightweight user-provided functions executed in response to events.
Cloud Functions
Manages lightweight user-provided functions executed in response to events.
Service Broker
The Google Cloud Platform Service Broker API provides Google hosted implementation of the Open Service Broker API (
Service Broker
The Google Cloud Platform Service Broker API provides Google hosted implementation of the Open Service Broker API (
Service Broker
The Google Cloud Platform Service Broker API provides Google hosted implementation of the Open Service Broker API (
Service Broker
The Google Cloud Platform Service Broker API provides Google hosted implementation of the Open Service Broker API (
They Said So Quotes
They Said So Quotes API offers a complete feature rich REST API access to its quotes platform. This is the documentation for the world famous [quotes API]( If you are a subscriber and you are trying this from a console add 'X-TheySaidSo-Api-Secret' header and add your api key as the header value. You can test and play with the API right here on this web page. For using the private end points and subscribing to the API please visit
Service Broker
The Google Cloud Platform Service Broker API provides Google hosted implementation of the Open Service Broker API (
Service Broker
The Google Cloud Platform Service Broker API provides Google hosted implementation of the Open Service Broker API (
Wire API
Moov Wire implements an HTTP API for creating, parsing, and validating Fedwire messages.
Service Broker
The Google Cloud Platform Service Broker API provides Google hosted implementation of the Open Service Broker API (
Cloud Resource Manager
Creates, reads, and updates metadata for Google Cloud Platform resource containers.
Cloud Resource Manager
Creates, reads, and updates metadata for Google Cloud Platform resource containers.
With the Identity service in Splunk Cloud Services, you can authenticate and authorize Splunk Cloud Services users.
With the Identity service in Splunk Cloud Services, you can authenticate and authorize Splunk Cloud Services users.
Funtranslations API gives access to the full set of translations available at so that you can integrate them in your workflow or an app. [Click here to get details and subscribe]( . Here are the individual API links: ## Morse code API ## Morse code conversion API on the cloud. Translate to and from Morse Code.[Click here to subscribe]( ## Braille API ## Braille conversion API on the cloud. Translate to Braille and get Braille results suitable for many display types.[Click here to subscribe]( ## Starwars Translation API ## Ever wonder how to talk like Yoda? Well, use our API and let your APP/webpage speak like Yoda too.[Click here to subscribe]( Sith Translator API. [Click here to subscribe]( Cheunh Translator API. [Click here to subscribe]( Huttese Translator API. [Click here to subscribe]( Mandalorian Translator API. [Click here to subscribe]( Gungan Translator API. [Click here to subscribe]( ## Pirate Speak Translation API ## Ahoy, matey. Let's get those land lubbers speak our tounge too! Our evergreen pirate speak tranlsator API.[Click here to subscribe]( ## Valley Speak Translation API ## Our throwback Valspeak translations API.[Click here to subscribe]( ## Minion Speak Translation API ## Our evil master following minion speak translations API.[Click here to subscribe](
Cloud IoT
Registers and manages IoT (Internet of Things) devices that connect to the Google Cloud Platform.
League of Legends Game Client
Cloud Private Catalog Producer
Enables cloud users to manage and share enterprise catalogs intheir organizations.
Cloud IoT API
Registers and manages IoT (Internet of Things) devices that connect to the Google Cloud Platform.
Cloud Private Catalog Producer
Enables cloud users to manage and share enterprise catalogs intheir organizations.
Cloud Private Catalog Producer
Enables cloud users to manage and share enterprise catalogs intheir organizations.
Cloud Private Catalog Producer
Enables cloud users to manage and share enterprise catalogs intheir organizations.
Bevragen Ingeschreven Personen
API voor het bevragen van ingeschreven personen uit de basisregistratie personen (BRP), inclusief de registratie niet-ingezeten (RNI). Met deze API kun je personen zoeken en actuele gegevens over personen, kinderen, partners en ouders raadplegen. Gegevens die er niet zijn of niet actueel zijn krijg je niet terug. Heeft een persoon bijvoorbeeld geen geldige nationaliteit, en alleen een beëindigd partnerschap, dan krijg je geen gegevens over nationaliteit en partner. Zie de [Functionele documentatie]( voor nadere toelichting.
Huidige bevragingen API
Deze API levert actuele gegevens over adressen, adresseerbaar objecten en panden. Actueel betekent in deze API `zonder eindstatus`. De bron voor deze API is de basisregistratie adressen en gebouwen (BAG).
Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory API
The Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory API is used for managing a highly available, hardened service running Microsoft Active Directory (AD).
With the Identity service in Splunk Cloud Services, you can authenticate and authorize Splunk Cloud Services users.
With the Identity service in Splunk Cloud Services, you can authenticate and authorize Splunk Cloud Services users.
Network Management API
The Network Management API provides a collection of network performance monitoring and diagnostic capabilities.
Neblio REST API Suite
APIs for Interacting with NTP1 Tokens & The Neblio Blockchain
Social media management for marketers and agencies
REST APIs for GlobInv | Product Management System
**GlobInv** is a product management system which manages **different** categories of products along with **stock-tracking**(Reorder Points), **filtering** and **billings.** <br/><br/> **** For detailed **Resource** definations refer [documentation](<br/> Refer [Solution Framing **(A must read)**]( To know the background of ``GlobInv``. <br/> This specification document contains rich usecase references for better understanding and knowing the usability of REST API in context to ``GlobInv``. <br/>
SWR audio lab - Radiohub
This documentation is also available as [openapi.json]( or [openapi.yaml]( Authorization keys can be requested via []( and shall be sent as base64 encoded basic auth information in the header. Please report all problems or bugs to []( or via the [Github repo]( and possibly include the `trace` information from the response header or info object. The dev environment uses data from the dev database; staging and production environments both access production data. The `appId` therefore follows the same structure. Caching is separate for each stage.
Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory API
The Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory API is used for managing a highly available, hardened service running Microsoft Active Directory (AD).
Cloud Asset
The cloud asset API manages the history and inventory of cloud resources.
Cloud Asset
The cloud asset API manages the history and inventory of cloud resources.
Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory API
The Managed Service for Microsoft Active Directory API is used for managing a highly available, hardened service running Microsoft Active Directory (AD).
Cloud Tasks
Manages the execution of large numbers of distributed requests.
Network Management API
The Network Management API provides a collection of network performance monitoring and diagnostic capabilities.
Cloud Pub/Sub
Provides reliable, many-to-many, asynchronous messaging between applications.
Listen API: Podcast Search & Directory
Simple & no-nonsense podcast search & directory API. Search all podcasts and episodes by people, places, or topics.
Listen API: Podcast Search & Directory
Simple & no-nonsense podcast search & directory API. Search all podcasts and episodes by people, places, or topics.
Listen API: Podcast Search & Directory API
Simple & no-nonsense podcast search & directory API. Search all podcasts and episodes by people, places, or topics.
Listen API: Podcast Search & Directory
Simple & no-nonsense podcast search & directory API. Search all podcasts and episodes by people, places, or topics.
Cloud Security Command Center
Cloud Security Command Center API provides access to temporal views of assets and findings within an organization.
Comics Database API
1-oas3 hosts an API prototype that exposes the latest data sourced from the Grand Comics Database. This API exposes millions of records created there over the last 25 years.
Cloud Domains API
Enables management and configuration of domain names.
Cloud Domains API
Enables management and configuration of domain names.
API voor het zoeken en raadplegen van bewoningen en metagegevens over bewoning (verloop). Een bewoning is een adresseerbaar object (verblijfsobject, ligplaats of standplaats) met ingeschreven bewoner(s). Iedere samenstelling van bewoners van het object is een bewoning. Overleden personen maken onderdeel uit van een bewoning tot het moment van overlijden. Gegevens over de bewoners zijn actueel.